Friday, May 15, 2015

Ensuring Quality Assurance in Vocational Education

Vocational education emphasises skill acquisition. Quality assurance in vocational education is a concept that is concerned with high performance involving activities with vocational education such as teaching, learning, infrastructures, students' behaviour and entire academic process. Quality vocationa education refers to input and output of the programme, the expressions of standard by which certain goals can be achieved. The concept of the quality assurance, its implication for university education cannot be over emphasised as the performance indicators of vocational education still requires serious attention. Good quality education is very necessary in the total development of the student, which ensures proper development, job prospects and the realisation of quality vocational education in our university today. The focus of this paper therefore is to highlight the concept of quality assurance in vocational education, factors militating against it, and strategies for ensuring quality assurance were recommended.
The paper concludes that if the quality assurance in vocational education must be achieved in the universities there is the need for urgent steps to be taken towards reformation of the programme.

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