Friday, May 8, 2015

Mechanical Engineer's Handbook (3rd): Materials and Mechanical Design

Mechanical Engineer's Handbook (3rd) Vol. 01_Material and Mechanical Design


PART 1: Materials

1. Carbon and Alloy Steels
2. Stainless Steels
3. Aluminum Alloys
4. Copper and Copper Alloys
5. Selection of Titanium Alloy for Design
6. Nickel and Its Alloys
7. MAgnesium and Its Alloys
8. Selection of Superalloys for Design
9. Plastic: Information and Properties of Polymeric Materials
10. Composite Materials
11. Smart Materials
12. Overview of Ceramic Materials, Design and Application
13. Sources of Materials Data
14. Quantitative Methods of Materials Selection

PART 2: Mechanical Design

15.Stress Analysis
16. An Introduction to The Finite Element Method
17. Design for Six-Sigma: A MAndate for Competitiveness
18. TRIZ
19. Computer-Aided Design
20. Data Exchange Using STEP
21. Engineering Application of Virtual Reality
22. Physical Ergonomics
23. Electronic Materials and Packaging
24. Design Optimization: An Overview
25. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly with Plastics
26. Failure Modes: Performance and Service Requirements for Metals
27. Failure Analysis for Plastics
28. Failure Modes: Performance and Service Requirements for Ceramics
29. Mechanical Reliability and Life Prediction for Brittle Materials
30. Total Quality Management in Mechanical Design
31. Reliability in the mechanical Design Process
32. Lubrication of Machine Elements
33. Seal Technology
34. Vibration and Shock
35. Noise Measurement and Control
36. Nondestructive Inspection

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