Monday, June 8, 2015

Issues of The Day



Part 1 Global Environmental challenges

1. stabilizing atmospheric co2 with Incomplete International cooperation.
2. a Pragmatic Global climate Policy architecture.
3. thinking Beyond Borders Why We Need to Focus on Global Public Goods.
4. the Value of climate-related satellite Data.
5. the successful International response to stratospheric ozone Depletion.
6. Evaluating Europe’s Plan for reducing Greenhouse Gases.
7. u.s. climate change Policy Previewing the Debate.
8. Which Is the Better climate Policy? Emissions Taxes versus Emissions Trading.
9. should cap-and-trade systems Be supplemented with renewable Portfolio standards?
10. Inducing Innovation for climate change Mitigation.

11. How should Emissions allowance auctions Be Designed?
12. competitiveness, Emissions Leakage, and climate Policy.
13. addressing Biodiversity and Global Warming by Preserving tropical Forests.
14. Forests in a u.s. climate Program Promising, but the Key Is Implementation.
15. Emissions offsets in a Greenhouse Gas cap-and-trade Policy.
16. Ethics and Discounting Global Warming Damages.
17. climate change abatement Not “Stern” Enough?
18. Evaluating climate risks in coastal Zones.

Part 2 Energy Policies

19. Reflections on Three Decades of U.S. Energy Policy.
20. the oil security Problem “Déjà Vu All Over Again”.
21. reassessing oil security.
22. the 2008 oil Price shock Markets or Mayhem?
23. the cost of Protecting oil in the Persian Gulf.
24. What role for “synthetic” Liquid Fuels? A Look at Canadian Oil Sands.
25. Future Gen How to Burn Coal—Maybe—Without Contributing to Climate Change.
26. the Economics of new Green technology Investment The Case of Satellite Solar Power.
27. oil and the arctic national Wildlife refuge.
28. oil spills The Deterrent Effects of Monitoring, Enforcement, and Public information.
29. taking a closer Look at Energy subsidies in the Federal tax code.
30. Learning by Doing and the California solar Initiative.
31. opposing the chicken or opposing the Egg?  New Challenges in Siting Networked Energy Facilities.
32. the Greening of Buildings.
33. Why International natural Gas Markets Matter in today’s Energy and Environmental Picture.
34. assessing Electricity Markets Prospects and

Part 3 National Environmental Policies

35. What are the Biggest Environmental challenges Facing the united states?
36. Where things stand with Hazardous Waste regulation.
37. reinstating the superfund taxes Good or Bad Policy?
38. trash talk.
39. the new Economics of Managing the nation’s Waste.
40. Enhancing Productivity while safeguarding Environmental Quality.
41. Why We need to treat nitrogen as a systems Problem.
42. the Effectiveness of Voluntary Environmental Programs.
43. Does Green Corporate Social Responsibility Benefit society?
44. the Evolving SO2 allowance Market Title IV, CAIR, and Beyond.
45. the cooling Water Intake structures rule.
46. the Future of regulatory oversight and analysis.
47. a Plea for Environmental accounts.
48. the Political Economy of Environmental Justice.
49. overcoming Distributional obstacles to Market-Based Environmental Policies.
50. What Do the Damages caused by u.s. air Pollution cost?
51. What can Policymakers Learn from Experimental Economics?
52. Environmental Federalism.

Part 4 Managing natural Resources

53. can catch shares save Fisheries?
54. The Political Economy of Addressing Overfishing in U.S. Waters
55. Achieving Efficient Coordination and Acceptance in Fishery reform.
56. restoring Great Lakes Ecosystems Worth the Cost?
57. the Gulf of Mexico’s Dead Zone Mess, Problem, or Puzzle?
58. Information Disclosure and Drinking Water Quality.
59. Western Water Law and Efficient Use of Water resources.
60. a new approach to reforming the national Flood Insurance Program.
61. Perverse Incentives and the Endangered species act.
62. Improving Investments in Biodiversity conservation.
63. usDa’s conservation reserve Program Is It Time to Ease into Easements?
64. How should We tackle the Forest Fire Problem?
65. options contracts for contingent Takings Improving Disaster Management.

Part 5 Transportation and urban Policies

66. triple convergence toward a Higher Gasoline tax.
67. the Price of Gas and the Demand for Fuel Economy Are There Any Links?
68. should Distributional considerations Hold up Higher Gasoline taxes?
69. Does the Federal Government spend too Much for Highways, or too Little?
70. The Benefits and Costs of Tighter Fuel Economy regulations.
71. Pay-as-You-Drive auto Insurance.
72. What Motivates People to Buy Hybrids?
73. the outlook for Hydrogen cars.
74. useful Lessons from California’s Experiment with congestion Pricing.
75. congestion Pricing Lessons from London.
76. Has the time come for truck-onlytoll Lanes?
77. using the Price system to reduce airport congestion.
78. Delayed Is Privatizing America’s Airports the Answer?
79. telecommuting What Is It Good For?
80. Declining Traffic Fatalities Lessons for Developing Countries?
81. Preservation and Development Can TDRs Improve Land Markets?
82. Is there an “Efficient” Way to Address Suburban sprawl?

Part 6 Public Health Policies.

83. the Value of Health and Longevity.
84. How u.s. and Chinese citizens Feel about reducing Mortality risks.
85. a new chapter in the History of Malaria control.
86. the spread of MRSA Antibiotic Resistance with a Name.
87. controlling tuberculosis What Is the Benefit, at What Cost?
88. Bringing our Food safety system into the 21st century.
89. Tobacco taxation in the European union and united states.
90. How advertising for smoking-cessation Products can Help Meet Public Health Goals.
91. Mercury advisories for commercial Fish.
92. Measuring the Benefits of Reduced Exposure to Lead.
93. Indoor air Pollution and African Death rates.

Part 7 Environment and Development

94. Driving restrictions and air Quality in Mexico city.
95. Deciphering the Demand for safe Drinking Water in Low-Income countries.
96. Environmental Policy Innovations in Developing countries.
97. Green cities and Economic Development.
98. Building Better Housing Policies for the Developing World’s Poor.
99. The Future of Famine.
100. Is Population still an Important Policy Issue?

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